Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Find-a-professor / A tax abolished... after only 108 years!

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How long does it take for the US government to abolish a minor tax? About 108 years.

The Treasury Department said Thursday that it will no longer collect a 3% federal excise tax on long-distance calls and would refund about $15 billion to taxpayers.

The tax was imposed in 1898 to help pay for the Spanish-American War. It was designed as a tax on wealthy Americans, back when phone service was considered a luxury.


David_Z said...

I always love bringing up the telephone excise tax when mentioning the erosion of liberties. Out of sight, out of mind - as they say...

The Libertarian Guy said...

Well, hell... at this rate, we'll have a limited government in... about 108,000 years.

Aaron Kinney said...

What, did the spanich-american war recently end? ;-)