Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I believe in conspiracies / Republic of Vermont?

John Laughland wrote a great article in the The Spectator, in which he points out facts that both 9-11 truthers and 9-11 skeptics, and especially Market Anarchists, should agree on:

British and American foreign policy is itself based on a series of highly improbable conspiracy theories, the biggest of which is that an evil Saudi millionaire genius in a cave in the Hindu Kush controls a secret worldwide network of ‘tens of thousands of terrorists’ ‘in more than 60 countries’ (George Bush)...

By the same token, the US-led invasion of Iraq was based on a fantasy that Saddam Hussein was in, or might one day enter into, a conspiracy with Osama bin Laden...

In contrast to such imaginings, it is perfectly reasonable to raise questions about the power of the secret services and armed forces of the world’s most powerful states, especially those of the USA. These are not ‘theories’ at all; they are based on fact. The Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the National Reconnaissance Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency and other US secret services spend more than $30,000,000,000 a year on espionage and covert operations. Do opponents of conspiracy theories think that this money is given to the Langley, Virginia Cats’ Home?

Should Vermont secede from the Empire? Ian Baldwin and Frank Bryan, from the Washington Post, think so:

The present movement for secession has been gathering steam for a decade and a half. In preparation for Vermont's bicentennial in 1991, public debates -- moderated by then-Lt. Gov. Howard Dean -- were held in seven towns before crowds that averaged 230 citizens. At the end of each, Dean asked all those in favor of Vermont's seceding from the Union to stand and be counted. In town after town, solid majorities stood. The final count: 999 (62 percent) for secession and 608 opposed.

In early 2003, transplanted Southerner and retired Duke University economics professor Thomas Naylor gave a speech at Johnson State College opposing the Iraq war. When he pitched the idea of secession to the crowd, he saw many eyes "light up," he said. Later that year, he and several others started a loosely organized movement (now a think tank) called the Second Vermont Republic, which has an independent quarterly journal, Vermont Commons, and a Web site.

The SVR, however, seems to be a rather unsavory bunch, as this blog testifies.


Vermont Secession said...

You've missed a lot about the Second Vermont Republic crowd and its founder, Thomas Naylor. You can read about their connections to racists like those white separatists running the League of the South at my blog http://vermontsecession.blogspot.com/

Thomas Rowley

Francois Tremblay said...

Thanks for the info, I will post your URL.