Saturday, August 12, 2006

Cultures of Corruption / Psychedelic Mushrooms are good

A study published recently, called "Cultures of Corruption: Evidence From Diplomatic Parking Tickets", found that there may be such a thing as a "culture of corruption" that goes beyond the influence of one's country:

We find strong persistence in corruption norms: diplomats from high corruption countries (based on existing survey-based indices) have significantly more parking violations, and these differences persist over time. In a second main result, officials from countries that survey evidence indicates have less favorable popular views of the United States commit significantly more parking violations, providing non-laboratory evidence on sentiment in economic decision-making. Taken together, factors other than legal enforcement appear to be important determinants of corruption.

Yet another stunning defeat for the anti-drug demagogues: "'Magic Mushroom' Drug Study Probes Science, Spirituality".

What's more, most of the 36 adult participants -- none of whom had taken psilocybin before -- counted their experience while under the influence of the drug as "among the most meaningful and spiritually significant experiences of their lives," Griffiths said. Most said they became better, kinder, happier people in the weeks after the psilocybin session -- a fact corroborated by family and friends.

The researchers also noted no permanent brain damage or negative long-term effects stemming from use of psilocybin.

1 comment:

joaquĆ­n said...


Mr. Greve loves mushrooms...