Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Jersey Jude Drive

New Jersey is now requiring all minor drivers to vandalize their own vehicles with decals:

WASHINGTON TWP. — New Jersey today became the first state in the nation requiring teen drivers to display a decal on their vehicles.

In the library of West Morris Central High School, Gov. Jon S. Corzine signed into law Kyleigh’s Law, named after Kyleigh D'Alessio, a 16-year-old Long Valley resident who was killed in a December 2006 car crash involving a teen driver.

“The legacy of your daughter will save many lives in the years to come,” Corzine said to Kyleigh’s mother Donna Weeks, who was behind the push to require permit and provisional license holders to fix a decal on the front and rear of their vehicles.

The other bill Corzine signed into law limits young drivers to only one passenger in a car unless accompanied by an adult, forbids the use of wireless communications and sets the night driving limit at 11 p.m. instead of at midnight.

Both take effect May 15, 2010.

Emphasis mine. I suppose that for their next trick, the government of New Jersey will require all convicted drunk drivers to wear a yellow star patch on their clothing.

1 comment:

HellboundAlleee said...

Hey, Aaron.

Just wanted to show you an mp3 file I got.

This subgenius mashup guy made a short mashup from "Going Bananas with Ray Comfort." It's got you in it.
It's at The first clip.